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Liquid chlorophyll - 100 mg per day

Chlorophyll (in Greek chloros meaning green) is a green pigment, essential in the process of photosynthesis, through which the transformation of light energy into chemical energy takes place. The benefits of chlorophyll are mainly related to its ability to detoxify the body and oxygenate the blood. In addition, chlorophyll has properties to stimulate the immune system and has the ability to alkalize the body, which helps prevent various diseases, including cancer. The wonderful benefits of chlorophyll include counteracting the harmful effects caused by radiation exposure.

Health benefits of chlorophyll. A curiosity about chlorophyll is that its molecular structure is very similar to that of blood. The molecules responsible for the red color of the blood and the transport of oxygen, known as hemoglobin, have a structure very similar to that of chlorophyll, except for the central atom: in hemoglobin it is composed mainly of iron, and in chlorophyll of magnesium, just that is why chlorophyll is rightly called "green blood".

Chlorophyll oxygenates and detoxifies the body. Regular consumption of chlorophyll contributes to the oxygenation of the blood and stimulates the production of hemoglobin. Due to the fact that the main function of hemoglobin is the transport of oxygen, if it increases, the cells will be better oxygenated and, consequently, all organs, but especially the heart, will benefit from it.

Chlorophyll strengthens the immune system. The process of cleansing and alkalization that chlorophyll produces in the body helps to stimulate the immune system. Some anaerobic bacteria do not grow in the presence of the oxygen that chlorophyll brings to the body.

Chlorophyll maintains the health of the digestive tract. Chlorophyll helps maintain healthy bacteria in the intestinal flora, thus preventing various digestive disorders. If you suffer from diverculitis, chlorophyll is recommended because it is a progressive healing that has an astringent effect, which recommends it as a true stomach "deodorant".

Chlorophyll counteracts the effects of radiation. Proper consumption of chlorophyll has been shown to help prevent the harmful effects of radiation exposure. That is why chlorophyll can be used as a dietary supplement to neutralize the side effects of radiation therapy and even chemotherapy in cancer patients.

Chlorophyll helps eliminate extra pounds. Chlorophyll juice helps to eliminate excess pounds because it contains a lot of fiber, which because it is digested longer by the body, gives it a feeling of satiety. Also, a juice or shake with chlorophyll helps reduce fluid retention in the body.

Ingredients: Liquid chlorophyll obtained from Lucerne leaves (Medicago sativa) and mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.), filtered seawater and apple juice to replenish density, glycerin, xanthan, natural mint flavor.

Way of ussage:

Adults: 20 ml per day.

Children under 16 years: 10 ml per day.

This product is not intended for use in babies.

It is preferable to drink the juice half an hour before a meal.

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