Is there anyone who hasn’t heard about the extraordinary effects of the pyramid effect? Did you know that a multitude of applications have been patented based on this, ranging from razor blade sharpening (invented by a Czech in the 1950s) to Mrs. Marioara Godeanu's greenhouse in Pitești? The pyramid effect was the first to demonstrate that there is a form of energy. But what if we told you that music also has form and that each chord can generate a certain physical shape? This idea came to Austrian Thomas Chochola, known as the 'designer of clicks.' After years of research in music and composition, he developed a completely new design concept: he composed the designs of TC products on the piano, converted sounds into measures, and created the harmonious form of the TC Vital carafe. He aimed to apply the proportions of the Golden Ratio!

The Golden Ratio was known in ancient times by wise elders and was rediscovered in the Middle Ages during the Renaissance by great scholars, artists, philosophers, alchemists, and occultists. It has always hidden great mysteries and has not been fully revealed even today, making it perhaps the most studied irrational number. Today, complex research has concluded that all of nature, and indeed the entire universe, are structured to faithfully adhere to the perfect and exact proportions of the Golden Ratio, which seems to be the 'mathematical' secret of the beauty of Creation. Great ancient constructions such as the pyramids or temples and cathedrals also adhere to the faithful proportion of this Golden Ratio. It represents harmony and perfection in creation.

In nature, spirals generated by water (vortexes), the movement of air currents in spirals, snail shells, the arrangement of sunflower petals or plant leaves and seeds maintain this perfect proportion, showing that divine harmony and perfection represented by this proportion manifest throughout Creation. This demonstrates the existence of a sphere of consciousness of harmony and beauty present throughout the universe, which guides it. By applying the proportions of this number, we can resonate with the energies of Goodness and Beauty from the entire Universe and thus harmonize and balance our being on even deep levels.

Additionally, studying symbolism, Thomas Chochola introduced the 'Flower of Life' symbol from sacred geometry into his products. This is one of the most powerful patterns found in all forms of nature and represents the interconnectedness of all forms of life in the Universe. Since ancient times, all cultures have known and used it for purifying and energizing food, as the force emanated by the symbol is transmitted to the environment that resonates with it.


Normal tap water is energetically depleted due to three factors that reduce its vitality:

  1. The unnaturally high pressure at which it is pumped through pipes
  2. The path it takes through pipes
  3. Treatment with various substances (chlorination, etc.) to make it drinkable

Bottled still water is equally destructured because the plastic material (which has a molecular rotation opposite to the clockwise direction) depletes its vitality. Practically, the water available to us is destructured—devitalized, or, in other words, dead. For our health, we need water and food with a biological value of at least 7,000 Bovis*.

*Bovis (named after the French radiesthesist André Bovis, 1871–1947) is a proposed unit of measurement for assessing the vital energy of an object, being, food, etc. A value of 6,500 is considered 'neutral'; lower values negatively affect the human being, while higher values have a positive effect. Values higher than 10,000 are considered part of the 'etheric scale' (according to Wikipedia).

Water transformed in the TC Vital carafe becomes alive: the molecules gain a clockwise rotation, meaning the direction of life energy expansion, thus it can energetically nourish your cells. Revitalized water reaches a biological value of 25,000 Bovis and maintains your health. Restructured water helps in toxin removal (they rotate counterclockwise), which normal tap or bottled water cannot do due to the loss of vital structure.

Considering the above, Thomas Chochola has created a wider range of products based on the principles previously mentioned.

At the base of glasses, carafes, and on the energy plates, the 'Flower of Life' symbol is applied by burning at high temperature; its presence impregnates the transformed water with new properties: the 23.8k gold one supports the immune system; the rainbow color is recommended for children and brings joy; the white one is for general daily use.

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