TC structured water carafes

Water is an essential raw material for the human body. In recent years, scientists such as Jacques Benveniste and Dr. Masaru Emoto have published much evidence of the existence of "water memory." From a scientific point of view, water is reduced to the H2O formula. The various structures that already change their connections by external conditions, such as pressure, temperature or flow could be parameters worth studying. The images of crystals are convincing evidence that the structure of water can be changed by introducing any energy information, both in terms of development and weakening of organisms. It is obvious that water and its structures should occupy a well-deserved central place in medicine and in the field of procedures for restoring and maintaining well-being in nature. The range of future uses of "living water" can range from basic "vitalization" to enrichment with special information, e.g. for the improvement of the metabolic process, for the biological regeneration or for the decontamination of the organism. The power of the "Flower of Life" symbol printed on the bottom of the TC containers additionally acts with its informational structures as a geometric code of the creation matrix, thus contributing to the increase of the biological quality of the water. TC carafes and glasses are intended for revitalizing, energizing and structuring drinking water. Basically, in just 3 minutes of storage in this glassware, bottled water or tap water regains the hexagonal structure of spring water. Each piece is handmade and is marked with the TC logo.

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  • €495.42
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  • €495.42
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