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    LUNI-VINERI 08:00 - 18:00

    09:00 - 14:00


The Mushroom of God-Agaricus Blazei Murill

God's mushroom and has a rich content of trace elements and Beta-D-glucan. It also contains six types of steroids (cerebusterol and ergosterol) that help stop the growth of cancer cells.
In the HeLa test (stopping cell multiplication), for which a tissue affected by uterine cancer was used, a very small amount of steroids (10-30 ppm) stopped the cancer cells from multiplying.
Clinical effects of Agaricus Blazei fungus on systems / devices:
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: duodenal ulcer (recommended with Ecodigest tea), hepatocirosis (recommended with Ecohep tea), liver hypertrophy, liver cancer (recommended with Ecotum tea and SALV 7), gastric cancer (recommended with TATANEASA tea), gastritis, gastric ulcer (recommended with basil tea), gastroptosis, constipation (recommended with EcoLAX SI SALV 7 tea), chronic stomatitis, Pyoreea alveolaris, polyps, hepatitis B, sigmoid colon cancer, enteritis virus, etc.
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: high blood pressure (recommended with EcoRITM tea), low blood pressure (recommended with EcoFRUCTSI SALV7 tea), heart disease, cerebral thrombosis (recommended with EcoRELAX tea), hemiplegia, severe pneumonia with SALV E 7), sepsis, leukemia, malignant lymphogranuloma, Hodgkin's disease, Basedew's disease (recommended with SALVIE tea, FOREST FRUIT, SALV 7), lung cancer (recommended with EcoRESPIRO, ISOP, TATANEASA, SALV7 tea).
GENITAL SYSTEM: mastitis, breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, disorders caused by menopause.
CRANIAL NERVE METABOLISM: diabetes, multiple rheumatoid arthritis, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, autonomic ataxia, neurosis, Japanese encephalitis.
URINARY TRACT: cystitis, nephritis, renal failure, prostatomegaly, nephrosis (recommended with EcoREN SI SALV 7 tea)
SKIN LEVEL: dermatophytosis, eczema, atypical dermatitis, dermatomyositis, choriocarcinoma (recommended with EcoDETOX AND SALV7 tea).
OTHERS: shoulder pain, muscular dystrophies, hangover, vomiting, arthritis, flu.
The list of clinical effects mentioned above is compiled by the Japanese Cancer Association and the Japanese Pharmaceutical Association.
BIO ACTIVE MC is presented in the form of sachets containing powder (scientifically called microcapsules), the size of 8 Angstroms, containing 100% extract of Agaricus Blazei Murill. Each dose weighs 3 grams. Being a nutritional supplement, there is no fixed dose for administration. The manufacturer will recommend 1-2 doses / day, before or after meals. Do not consume more than 3 doses / day. The contents of one sachet are dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature.
- for maintenance -1 envelope / day
- for serious diseases -3 sachets / day
Presentation: sachets with 3g powder.
Manufacturer: Japan

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