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figs Spain, rice flour.

Spain figs are of a very good quality, extra, clearly superior to other figs.

Ideal for our figure, figs are also a good source of magnesium, necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, but also vitamins A, B, C, which strengthen immunity.

In Chinese medicine, figs are used to detoxify the body. Raw or dried, figs have diuretic, laxative, emollient properties. At the same time, these fruits have a remineralizing, toning effect due to the richness of vitamins and minerals.

At the same time, the fiber contained in figs stimulates digestion, helps eliminate toxins and prevents the assimilation of fats. Therefore, figs can be eaten in diets but excluding other sources of carbohydrates - bread, rice, pasta, pastries.

The health benefits can be attributed to the content of minerals and vitamins. Figs contain vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium and chlorine. Not only are they tasty, but they also have a number of health benefits. They contain beta-carotene, flavonoids and an enzyme called ficin, which helps digestion.

Six figs contain 891 mg of potassium, which is almost 20% of the daily requirement and twice the potassium content of a large banana. Potassium is essential for heart function and plays a key role in the contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, which is important for the normal functioning of the digestive and muscular system.

In addition, figs are an important source of calcium. Six figs contain as much calcium as half a cup of skim milk. Calcium helps strengthen bones. People who have a diet high in calcium may also experience an increase in urinary calcium loss. The potassium content in figs avoids this. Figs are quite useful in various respiratory diseases, including asthma and productive cough. Because they are also good for digestion, they help treat constipation, indigestion. Figs are good for fever, otitis, abscesses, venereal diseases and are excellent for the liver.

This fruit is a very alkaline food, therefore it helps to regulate the pH of the body. Figs are rich in polyphenols and flavonoids. These compounds are antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage. Figs are known for their calming and laxative properties and for their low fat and sugar content. They are rich in dietary fiber, which makes them very effective for a weight control program. It also helps in weight gain after the disease. Consumption of three figs provides 5 grams of fiber and thus helps the healthy functioning of the intestine and prevents constipation. The fibers contained in figs are also recommended for obese people for weight loss.

The content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Loss of vision in the elderly is due to macular degeneration. Fruits and figs are generally good to avoid this condition. Fig leaves have antidiabetic properties. Tryptophan, present in figs, induces good sleep and helps eliminate sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Figs are sweet and soft and their paste is used as a substitute for sugar. Remember that dried figs have a calorie level five times higher than fresh figs. Processed figs are used to make pies, puddings, cakes, bakery products, jams, jellies.

The information presented on this site is for educational purposes and should not be used to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. They are offered to guide the consumer, do not replace the advice of a doctor and / or another specialist, do not replace the treatments and medications prescribed by authorized medical personnel.

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