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TC Miniverse carafe with Gold flower of life 0.1L

TC Miniverse carafe with Gold flower of life 0.1L


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  • Availability: Product available on demand
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    +40726.227.796 +40264.406.405 +40364.103.260

    LUNI-VINERI 08:00 - 18:00

    09:00 - 14:00


The carafe “Miniverse” is a jewel of a special kind. Each Miniverse is a mouth blown, original piece. To drink directly out of Miniverse is fun and makes sense. Already feeling the natural harmonic form provides wellbeing and happiness. (All sensitive energy channels meet in the fingertips from  where they transmit information into the whole body). It can be used for all liquids – hot and cold. It  can also be used as an herb and spice container, as well as for oils, essences, condiments, and for cosmetics.


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