TC Mythos glass with flower of life Happy 250ml
TC Mythos glass with flower of life Happy 250ml
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Availability: Product available on demandWeight / Packaging: 1X0.25L
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The design of the Mythos glass, as well as the entire TC glassware, is done
in accordance with the natural laws of the "proportion of gold." This mathematical model
- found everywhere in nature - is often referred to as “geometry
sacred ”because it is the geometry of Life. The Mythos glass grows
the biological value of the water and other beverages that are put into it,
significantly improving their taste and refreshing them.
It is designed for intensive and safe daily use in cold drinks and
those that are hot, such as tea and coffee, for both children and people
suffering. It can also be used successfully in public places. Shape in three
curves and perfect center of gravity have the effect that the glass
Mythos does not overturn.
At the base of the glasses, carafes and on the energy plates the symbol "Flower of Life" is applied by burning at high temperature; its presence impregnates the transformed water in the shape of a carafe with new properties: the 23.8 k gold one supports the immune system; the rainbow color is recommended for children and brings joy; the white one is for general everyday use.