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The main qualities of flax seeds are emollient, both internally and externally, soothing and stimulating tissue regeneration. In Romanian folk medicine, they are also used for their effect of draining the intestine: ingested as such, they form a bowl in the digestive tract that pushes all the residual materials like a piston.

The high content of alpha-linolenic acid makes this plant a miraculous food. Alpha-linolenic acid is the main source of omega 3 fatty acids, similar to those found in ocean fish.

The benefits of flax seeds have been demonstrated by specialized studies. Flax seeds help lower LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol), lower blood triglycerides, lower blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation of the digestive tract, gastritis, mild burns, skin diseases.

Flax seeds are also rich in lignan. Wood is a phytoestrogen (antioxidant) that has a high fiber content. Researchers say that lignan from flaxseed plays an important role in preventing cancer, especially breast cancer.

Recent studies show once again the benefits of flaxseed in the form of flaxseed oil. It is helpful in Crohn's disease and colitis. Flax should not be missing from our daily diet.

The information presented on this site is for educational purposes and should not be used to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. They are offered to guide the consumer, do not replace the advice of a doctor and / or another specialist, do not replace the treatments and medications prescribed by authorized medical personnel.

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