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    +40726.227.796 +40264.406.405 +40364.103.260

    LUNI-VINERI 08:00 - 18:00

    09:00 - 14:00


Green barley is the richest source of green food, bringing a valuable intake of vitamins, minerals and enzymes including iron, calcium and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E.

It is suitable for supplementing the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent nutritional supplement for those who eat irregularly, eat few fresh vegetables and fruits, and are subjected to sustained physical and mental exertion.

Barley grass alkalizes the body, binds excess gastric acid.

The high content of chlorophyll binds toxins, and helps eliminate them from the body. It has a strong detoxifying effect. Chlorophyll also has an anti-inflammatory role. Green barley powder is the favorite ingredient in green smoothies. Blend a few vegetables and season with powder or try a fruit mixture with yogurt and honey.

It is very easy to consume as a drink: it is delicious with fruit juice or just water. It can be mixed in sauces or homemade protein bars.

A dose is prepared by mixing a teaspoon (2 grams) of green barley powder with 65-70ml of water or fruit juice. Consume about 1-2 teaspoons a day in vegetable juice, juice or water. We recommend using a shaker for homogenization. For children ½ - 1 teaspoon per day. as far as possible, in order to have the maximum effect, to drink it on an empty stomach, after which to wait for an hour without consuming anything else, so that the precious elements can be absorbed in the blood and reach every cornerstone of the body. ours, to the cells.

The information presented on this site is for educational purposes and should not be used to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. They are offered to guide the consumer, do not replace the advice of a doctor and / or another specialist, do not replace the treatments and medications prescribed by authorized medical personnel.

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