EN Api nutrition - a natural way of health promotion and preservation
EN Api nutrition - a natural way of health promotion and preservation
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Api-nutrition - A natural way of health promotion and preservation
'' Api-nutrition refers to the addition of products from the hive, such as honey, honeycombs, raw pollen, royal jelly, bee bread, queen larvae, drone larvae in our daily diet to support nutrition and revitalize our health. ''
It is a concept that we have implemented in our lives for years, with huge benefits that we enjoy today.
Dr. Mirela Stranț - general practitioner, competence Api-phyto-aromatherapy, Trainer, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Eng. Alina Varadi - nutrition technician, beekeeper Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Ramona Grosu - general practitioner, Acupuncture, Api-phyto-aromatherapy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Dr. Eng. Rodica Mărgăoan - USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Dr. Banu Yücel - Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences, İzmir, TURKEY
Eng. Erkan Topal - Aegean Agricultural Research Institute, Apiculture Department, İzmir, TURKEY
Ana Maria Puscasu - Naturopathic Nutritionist, Complementary Therapists Association, London, England