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    LUNI-VINERI 08:00 - 18:00

    09:00 - 14:00


CRETISOARA - Alchemilla vulgaris

Known since ancient times, this plant, the "lady's mantle", has primarily uses for diseases specific to women. This is how its effect is known, for two or three centuries, to combat leukorrhea, menstrual disorders, appendages, menopausal disorders. together with the mouse tail, it is the ideal means used to treat any menstrual disorders, menstrual cramps, menopausal disorders.The plant has a special effect in combating muscle spasms and pain, anemia, general weakness, menstrual disorders. obese people It is good for obese people to drink at least one cup of cretaceous tea daily, as well as people with a high blood sugar (diabetes), children with weak muscles, or who do not gain weight, to drink up to two cups of cretaceous tea daily.

Cretiso also contains tannins, which recommends it in the treatment of digestive disorders, enterocolitis, chronic diarrhea. And for people with epilepsy, chalk helps reduce the number of seizures and even cure it. For children-specific diseases, cret tea helps with anemia, asthenia, convulsions (children with disabilities) in states of general weakness, for diseases specific to men: muscle atrophy, inguinal hernia and impotence. in fever, fractures, wounds (in general). We must not forget the beneficial effect of promoting childbirth and healing the consequences of a difficult birth. Last but not least, it cures intestinal tuberculosis and intestinal prolapse.

How to use:

Tea (infusion):
A teaspoon topped with chalk leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for up to a minute, strain, drink up to three cups of tea a day.

Direct application (compresses):
The freshly picked chalk leaves are washed, crushed with a wooden knife on a board (also made of wood). It is applied on wounds and cuts.

Hip bath:
Put four handfuls of chalk leaves in five liters of cold water, leave overnight, then heat the mixture, strain and add to the bath water. The kidney area should be covered with water. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. After the bath, the body is not wiped, a bathrobe is put on and the patient is put to bed to sweat for about an hour.

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