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    +40726.227.796 +40264.406.405 +40364.103.260

    LUNI-VINERI 08:00 - 18:00

    09:00 - 14:00


The product has no added sugar.

Dried apricots contain vitamin A, C, B and beta-carotene. Apricots improve eyesight and help regenerate tissues and nerves. Due to the high iron intake, these fruits are recommended in severe cases of anemia. Dried apricots are a good source of dietary fiber and potassium, having a low content of saturated fats, cholesterol and sodium.

The fruit is very nutritious, laxative, and is recommended in anemia, asthenia, insomnia, convalescence.

To improve visual acuity, scald 100 g of dried apricots, then, after half an hour, grind the apricots, add 100 g of grated carrots and a tablespoon of powdered sugar. Mix well and consume three times a week. The same soaked and crushed apricots, mixed with the core of a larger slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey. This preparation increases disease resistance, strengthens the immune system. The soaked apricots rub well until they reach a homogeneous paste. Apply on face, in an even layer, for 10 minutes. The mask cleanses deeply and tones the skin.

The information presented on this site is for educational purposes and should not be used to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. They are offered to guide the consumer, do not replace the advice of a doctor and / or another specialist, do not replace the treatments and medications prescribed by authorized medical personnel.

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