The human body is composed of various mineral elements in different proportions. 97% of the human body is made up of only four basic chemical elements: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. However, we could not exist as living beings without the remaining 3%, which is represented by the mineral elements. Mineral elements are present at all levels of the body, exerting important specific actions. Like most vitamins, they cannot be synthesized by the human body, so it is important to bring them into the body through a proper diet. Unfortunately, the modern diet deprives us of many minerals and vitamins, which leads in time to the onset of disease. You would not believe how many diseases occur due to deficiency of minerals in the body. Dr. Yollok, nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1991, initially a veterinarian and later a graduate of the Faculty of Human Medicine, has studied the effects of mineral deficiency in both animals and humans. He traced the causes of death to humans and animals and performed 17,500 autopsies on 14,500 different animals around the world and 3,000 people who always wanted to be healthy, and came to the following conclusion: "Every human or animal that dies naturally died due to poor nutrition, ie due to nutrient deficiency. The chemical and biochemical analysis bulletins showed that natural death is caused by improper nutrition. " Experiments have shown that in conditions of healthy nutrition, fresh air and water without impurities, man can reach the age of 165 years. If you have the opportunity to prevent the disease, especially the incurable one, you must use it.
The body needs 60 minerals, 15 vitamins, 12 basic amino acids, protein and 3 fatty acids. A total of 90 supplements in the daily diet. Otherwise, diseases caused by their insufficiency may occur in your body. " If you do not invest in yourself minerals and vitamins then you will invest in the well-being of people in medicine.
There are 3 types of minerals that we should know:
1. METAL MINERALS - are those minerals processed from the category of stones. The assimilation power is 8-12% and decreases after the age of 25-40 to 3-5%. Dr. Yollok is referring here to very fine metal filings or metal-rich rock powder.
2. CHELATED MINERALS. These minerals are metal minerals chelated with amino acids, proteins or enzymes, which encompass the metal atom. The absorption power is up to 40%.
3. COLLOIDAL MINERAL. Colloidal minerals are 98% assimilated, which exceeds 2.5 times the assimilation of chelated minerals and 10 times more than metallic ones. Colloidal minerals are found only in the liquid state and in very small particles, 7000 times smaller than red blood cells (erythrocytes). Each mineral particle is charged with a negative charge, and the lining of the intestinal walls is positively charged, thus forming an electromagnetic field that concentrates these minerals around the intestinal walls. Together they give that 98% assimilation percentage.
The colloidal state is not an unusual, artificial physico-chemical state, but the natural state of metals in living tissues. For example, the iron in our blood is colloidal. All minerals in fresh fruits and vegetables are colloidal. In order for the body to be able to absorb and use minerals and nutrients, they must be in a colloidal state.
It is well known that plants (especially aromatic plants) provide the human body with these minerals, ready to be synthesized, so that assimilation is fast and effortless! For example, basil is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, in addition to many other trace elements needed by the human body. The recommended daily dose is 4g / day, enough to ensure an intake of potassium and magnesium in an optimal amount to maintain a good mood, serenity and inner harmony. (An easy to use option is to soak the 4g of basil in a carafe of 2l spring water. From the first hour the active principles of the basil are transferred to the water. The maceration can be consumed by all family members during the day. )
Metals in the form of compounds resulting from chemical procedures are most often difficult to assimilate. Most synthetic drugs are in an inorganic, crystallized state, specific to inert, dead matter. Once in the body, they must be brought to a colloidal state before they can be used, a very slow process that takes place with a high energy consumption and as a result of which certain residues remain. There are often cases where the body does not have the energy needed for the process, so they end up being eliminated from the body before they can be assimilated.
Metals in solutions (distilled water) in colloidal-ionic form can be assimilated in a proportion of 98% in the oral cavity, within 2 minutes of contact. It is important to note that these solutions must be in the form of distilled water (pharmaceutical grade) and the metal in ionic form and in colloidal suspension (particles as small as possible, nanometric), without compounds such as salts, proteins or additives. Metal ions are much easier to assimilate than colloidal particles (even if they are nanometric in size). The ions pass directly into the blood in a very short time after contact with the oral mucosa, becoming more easily transported throughout the body. Their power of penetration down to the DNA level is known and highlighted through scientific and medical studies and reports.
The easiest way to get the most out of minerals and trace elements remains the ionic and colloidal state in which the particle size is of the order of nanometer units. This dimension is not in the visible spectrum, so most of the time the solutions will be transparent regardless of the concentrations. Thus the penetration power at the tissue level is very high. The beneficial effects on the human body and on the psycho-affective and mental mood are felt from the first minutes after ingestion.
Colloidal-ionic magnesium, zinc, copper and chromium
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