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    LUNI-VINERI 08:00 - 18:00

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Seaweed of the genus Porphyra, high quality cloud algae, harvested by hand and dried in the sun, fried, ready to use for sushi or as a spice; produced in Japan and packaged in the UK.


Nori is the Japanese name for various species of edible seaweed of the genus Porphyra, especially P. yezoensis and the tender P.

The finished products are made by crushing and drying, a process similar to that of papermaking.

Clouds (Porphyra tenera) is the leaf pressed into thin sheets, sushi clouds being fried cloud algae.

Like any organic product, cloud cultivation is complex and demanding. Seed quality, water temperature, unpolluted environment, sowing, harvesting, drying method are all critical factors for obtaining clouds, making this algae quite expensive.

There are several types of natural clouds and it is not too difficult to distinguish which is of good quality. Nori is appreciated for its color, luster, aroma and taste.

A high quality cloud has an intense green color, deep, light to black-purple, has a bright luster and a complex, aromatic taste. A weak cloud has a flat green color, no luster and its aroma is unattractive.

The best clouds come from Japan, where special attention is paid to all critical factors. The algae are collected at reflux, pressed between large areas of bamboo and allowed to dry.

Chemical composition:

The nutritional value of the clouds is excellent. It is said to be the treasure of polyunsaturated oil, vitamins, proteins, taurine, minerals and chlorophyll.

The oil is effective in preventing hardening of the arteries.

Taurine is an amino acid effective in lowering blood pressure.

Pharmaceutical effects:

These algae have a cleansing effect, dissolving fats deposited in the body, being beneficial for those who have consumed a lot of dairy.

Way of ussage:

It is recommended to eat one sheet a day, either in the form of sushi, spice or simply sprinkled on rice or other food.

Recipe - vegan sushi
• 1 sheet of cloud seaweed
• 4-5 tablespoons of boiled rice
• slice of fresh tofu
• 1 pickled cucumber
• carrot strip
• 2 tablespoons fried sesame

Fry the tofu in hot oil, by immersion, for 3-4 minutes, until a yellow color is obtained on all sides. Fried toast is placed on an absorbent paper to remove excess oil and boil for a few minutes in a sauce consisting of soy sauce, myrrh and lemon juice.

Place the cloud of seaweed on the bamboo mat, spread the rice in a layer of about 1 cm, leaving the upper and lower edges free, sprinkle the sesame straw on the whole surface, put the fried tofu cut into thin slices and the pickled cucumbers cut into slices and it runs.

The variety of recipes depends only on your imagination. Success !!

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